Health Benefits Of Blackjack Weed

Bidens pilosa normally behaves as an annual weed but at least one form, B. Radiata, may behave as a perennial. One isolated plant can produce over 30,000 seeds, which are generally highly viable. Seeds germinate on the soil surface or in shallow soil (to a depth of 1 cm). Seeds at greater depths remain viable in the soil for many years.

  1. Weed Health Benefits For Recreational
  2. Health Benefits To Smoking Weed
  3. Blackjack Weed Plant
  4. Health Benefits Of Blackjack Weed

The days of Reefer Madness are pretty far gone, but the American public is still vastly uninformed about marijuana, particularly concerning its myriad of amazing health benefits. Here are 10 (out of countless) health benefits that marijuana possesses. With that said, it’s simply baffling that medical marijuana is not legal in most of the country, and still there retains such a negative reputation. So, if you have one of these conditions, now might be a good time to call up your cousin’s dealer.

1. Cancer

There is a lot of unfounded rhetoric that states smoking pot can cause lung cancer because your inhaling smoke, like cigarettes. This simply isn’t true. Cigarette smoke causes cancer because the tobacco is radiated whereas marijuana isn’t. In fact, the American Association for Cancer Research has found the marijuana actually works to slow down tumor growth in the lungs, breasts, and brain considerably.

2. Seizures

Marijuana is a muscle relaxant and has “antispasmodic” qualities which have proven to be a very effective treatment of seizures. There are actually countless cases of people suffering from seizures that have only been able to function better through the use of marijuana.

3. Migraines

Since medicinal marijuana was legalized in California, doctors have reported that they have been able to treat more than 300,000 cases of migraines that conventional medicine couldn’t through marijuana. And that’s NOT just because it’s easy to fake having migraines, right? RIGHT?!

4. Glaucoma

Marijuana’s treatment of glaucoma has been one of the best documented. There isn’t a single valid study that exists that disproves marijuana’s very powerful and popular effects on glaucoma patients. Beat that, DEA!

5. Multiple Sclerosis

Marijuana’s effects on multiple sclerosis patients became better documented when former talk-show host, Montel Williams began to use pot to treat his MS. Marijuana works to stop the neurological effects and muscle spasms that come from the fatal disease.

6. Tourette’s and OCD

Just like marijuana can treat seizures and multiple sclerosis, marijuana’s effects slow down the tics in those suffering from Tourette’s, and the obsessive neurological symptoms in people with OCD.

7. ADD and ADHD

A well documented USC study done about a year ago showed that marijuana is not only a perfect alternative for Ritalin but treats the disorder without any of the negative side effects of the pharmaceutical.

8. IBS and Crohn’s

Marijuana has shown that it can help with symptoms of the chronic diseases as it stops nausea, abdominal pain, and diarrhea.

9. Alzheimer’s

Despite what you may have heard about marijuana’s effects on the brain, the Scripps Institute, in 2006, proved that the THC found in marijuana works to prevent Alzheimer’s by blocking the deposits in the brain that cause the disease.

10. Premenstrual Syndrome

Next time your girlfriend is complaining that you smoke too much weed, hand her a joint. Just like marijuana is used to treat IBS, it can be used to treat the cramps and discomfort that causes your girlfriend to lash out at you. Using marijuana for PMS actually goes all the way back to Queen Victoria. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

So now that you’ve read through all this, can you really let anyone convince you of a need for marijuana rehab? I think we’ve made a pretty good case that marijuana IS rehab! It is also highly recommended that you check out The Union (for free!), a great documentary made by Brett Harvey.

Follow the author, Igor Derysh, on Twitter @igorderysh

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Weed Health Benefits For Recreational

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Spanish Needle

Spanish needle(Bidens Pilosa) medicinal herb is grown widely all over Jamaica. It is a plant that is native to America and it is an annual herb from the Asteraceae family. It can be seen in fields, roadways and even on the lawns. It is a very showy herb because it is very easy to be seen from afar because of its colorful and bright flowers. It possesses white petals settled around a circle of beautiful yellow blooms.

This is the main plant fed to rabbits, so every morning in the rural areas, rabbit owners pick the fresh herb to put in the rabbit cages. Goats also enjoy this outstanding and wonderful medicinal plant.

Some of the medicinal properties of this plant are astringent, carminative, diuretic, emmenagogue amongst others.

Some of the common names are Beggars tick, Black jack, Broomstick, Needle grass, Cobblers peg, Demon spike grass, as well as Ghost needle weed. The constituents are flavonoids, benesenoids, terpene as well as lipids.

This medicinal plant is always dear to me because it reminds me of my primary school days when we were taught a poem written by Jamaican poet, Claude McKay in regards to this plant. He described it as lovely and dainty with its yellow and white flowers. However, there was more to it than that. It possesses great medicinal benefits.

Health benefits

The benefits of this medicinal herb are many. It may be used to treat diabetes, colds, flu, bronchitis, hepatitis, colic, asthma, menstrual conditions, urinary tract infections as well as bacterial infections. It is also used to treat Anti-adult T-cell leukemia.

The flower can be soaked in white rum and used for alleviating toothaches. It can also be combined with cabbage and callaloo and juiced then used as herbal remedy for most of the above ailments

Due to its antiseptic properties it can be utilized as a natural mouth wash which will benefit sore gums and sore mouths. In Africa they use the juice as a styptic for cuts and wounds. The tea can be used to wash boils and rashes on the skin.

The Spanish Needle Poem by Claude McKay

Lovely dainty Spanish needle, With your yellow flower and white, Dew bedecked and softly sleeping, Do you think of me to-night?

Shadowed by the spreading mango, Nodding o'er the rippling stream, Tell me, dear plant of my childhood, Do you of the exile dream?

Do you see me by the brook's side Catching crayfish 'neath the stone, As you did the day you whispered: Leave the harmless dears alone?

Health Benefits To Smoking Weed

Do you see me in the meadow, Coming from the woodland spring, With a bamboo on my shoulder, And a pail slung from a string?

Do you see me all expectant, Lying in an orange grove, While the swee-swees sing above me, Waiting for my elf-eyed love?

Lovely dainty Spanish needle, Source to me of sweet delight, In your far-off sunny South-land, Do you dream of me to-night?

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Blackjack Weed Plant

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Updated May 28, 2019


Health Benefits Of Blackjack Weed

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